Asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf
Asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf

Asuhan Persalinan Normal dan Inisisasi Menyusui Dini. Metode Penelitian Keperawatan & Teknik Analisis Data.

asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf

Rineka Cipta.Īsri H, Dwi & Clervo P, Cristine. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Gently cares the abdomen effected in pain that transmitted will be inhibited, it effected in the cerebral cortex does not receive the response message so that the pain decreased painĪrikunto, Suharsimi. It means that there was effect of effleurage technique on active phase of the first stage of labor pain intensity on maternal in private midwife Hj.Ninik Artiningsih.,SST.M.Kes Blooto District Mojokerto Regency. Data analysis used was Wilcoxon test with P value <0.05. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling to obtain 15 samples. Its population were all women giving birth in BPM Hj.Ninik Artiningsih.,SST.M.Kes, SST Blooto distric Mojokerto Regency amount 17 people. Research design was pre experimental type one group pre-test post test design. This research aimed to determine the effect of effleurage technique on active phase of the first stage of labor pain intensity on maternal in private midwife Hj.Ninik Artiningsih.,SST.M.Kes Blooto District Mojokerto Regency. Effleurage of the abdomen is one of the non-pharmacological methods which are usually used in the Lamaze method to reduce pain in normal labor.

asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf

Non-pharmacological pain control becomes cheaper, simple, and effective and without adverse effects, one of which is the technique effleurage.

asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf

The pain on delivering baby was experienced by most women, this pain is unique and different for every individual.

Asuhan persalinan normal normal pdf